

Your website's photos: The one thing you need to know


Guest Blog by Miranda Birch

Even in this era of catch-up TV and audio on-demand, live events are still king.

How else can I explain the urge to keep checking my Twitter feed during an election night?

It’s not confined to politics. There are great global sporting events like the Olympics or the domestic dramas, like the finals of Britain’s Got Talent.

Many of us want to be part of the throng of millions to witness results as they happen.


It’s partly for fear of falling victim to a spoiler on Twitter or Facebook. When I miss an episode of The Apprentice or Bake-Off I excommunicate myself from any form of social media, recoiling from all screens in case they ruin the ending.

There’s also that sense of belonging. Being part of something that’s happening now. Right now. A fully signed-up member of The Live Club.

In the YouTube age of 24-hour news, citizen journalists and social media timelines, live is what we expect.

Blogs that aren’t updated regularly don’t cut it.

News pages are seen as old within hours of being uploaded.

And in that context, photographs need to leap out at you as well.  Which is why I am always drawn to photojournalistic photos.

To me, they’re the photographic equivalent of a live programme. They are taken by photographers who can work so fast, their subjects don’t get the chance to seize up with nerves. Instead, they are captured raw.

They are the nearest photographs can get to being live – just like the photos in Harry Potter, where the subjects look like they are about to walk out of the frame.

So, if you’ve put a lot of effort into making your blog or news pages current, you’ll probably want photos that capture the same energy.

That’s why I go down the photojournalistic, rather than the posed route.

Photos that really leap out at you.

If you’re looking for photographers that specialise in this approach, have a look at Vervate’s work on my blog.

Something to consider in the future, perhaps?

Miranda Birch Media 
Stories that change attitudes and reach new audiences








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