5 Ways to Organise Visual Content

woman looks at photos on a screen

As marketers, your working life is a continuous juggling act isn’t it. Time pressures are one of the main reasons we hear that marketers don’t use the visuals they would love to in their content. Here are 5 ways to organise your visual content and really drive up your marketing results:


1.  FAVOURITE STOCK LIBRARY:  Have a go-to place for stock images – most of us use Canva Pro these days which has a wonderful selection of generic images. All of which you can use commercially and right there in the design package, so win-win. All stock sites have individual styles, pricing, and licensing availability.

2. SUPPLIERS:  Like all you do in your day job, the final product or piece of content doesn’t just appear magically as if by channeling your inner Harry Potter. The process and approach to creating content is just as important as the final product – indeed, it is what shapes that content. Remember this as you create a list of suppliers (designers, photographers, videographers, etc), and source your go-to people. Include things like experience, licensing, customer service, understanding of your sector. Relationships with the right people mean you can just ask them to get on with a project when you need them to.

3. LIBRARY:  Make sure you keep your visuals in a library and all titled properly. Not doing this (AKA leaving everything on your desktop until IT shouts at you to clear it off, or your desktop blows up), creates time issues down the line. Where is that one picture you want to use??!

4.  BE PREPARED TO FIGHT YOUR CORNER:  If you’re struggling to get budget sign-off, consider a counter-argument that explains how long it takes to search for the right imagery (the right brand and size, with the right usage license that also hasn’t been used by competitors). What about the amount of times you can use the same image and at the drop of a hat? How about the fact that you will prove to your potential clients that you really are a cut above the rest? Look better than your competitors and punch higher.

5. MAKE IT COUNT:  Remember that your audience has little time too. The visual you use will potentially be the only impression they get of you and your content. Make it count.


We have helped clients with each of the points above. Check us out here and do shout if one resonates as something you’d like support with – if you get time of course!
